Monday, October 3, 2011

Meet Me

Hello! I’ve been debating for the last month or so, on whether to make a blog or not, and I finally did. Some of my friends say I have way too much time on my hands, but I don’t really! ^_^ This is where I’ll ramble about various things, from school to hobbies to other things that strike my fancy.

First of all, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’m homeschooled girl and a senior this year. My last year of high school... *tears* Anyway, I’m really looking forward to getting away from home next year, even though I’ll probably be going to CollegeNextDoor. I’m hoping to double major in Speech Pathology and Spanish, with a minor (possibly) in English. Dunno. We’ll see what happens.

I have a bazillion and one hobbies. I won’t bore you with all of them, but here are a few of them:

Piano. I’m not the greatest at it, and I’ve only been playing for a couple years, but it is one of my favorite things to do. Especially when I’m feeling stressed, or bored, or excited, or... well you get the idea. My piano teacher is amazing because she lets me choose what I want to learn, and I’m not required to go through those oh-so-boring lesson books. If you’ve ever heard of unschooling, think of my way of learning piano as, unschooling piano.

Singing. It’s fun, but don’t try to get me to do a solo. I’ve done it before (in front of 1500+ people, I might add), but that was so nerve wracking, I don’t really want to repeat the experience (not to mention, my voice cracked *embarrassed*). Not for a long while. Of course, since I just joined a girl’s choir, there’s a very high likelihood that by the end of the year someone will have convinced me to sing a solo...

Acting. Mwhahaha. Acting is amazing. You get to be someone you aren’t, and can act completely crazy (if that’s your character) without getting strange looks. I’ve been random crowd people, random giggling girls, a soldier (Yes, you read that right. Me, a girl, as a guy soldier. I have pictures to prove it.), a crazy old aunt, and a know-it-all teacher/counselor. Not only do I act, but I write scripts occasionally too. To go along with acting, I also speak up front at times. My church is humongous (2,000-3,000 members), and I’ve been on stage there at least once a year, since I was in 5th grade. Now, believe it or not, I have HUGE stage fright. I’m literally shaking while I’m up there (strangely though, not when I’m acting...) and so many times, I’m sure people can hear it in my voice. It’s getting better though, so maybe by the time I’m out of college I’ll be able to relax when I’m up front.

Dance. Jewish dancing to be exact. It’s uncommon, but awesome. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it is so much fun. I’ve been a regular member of the troop for the last two years, and we’ll dance at various events. Once it was after a special Jewish Church service, another time on the beach for our beginning of the year get together (the sunset was amazing), every year at the local Passion Play, and we’ll also teach one of the college’s religion classes dancing for a day. And for the record, I am not Jewish.

Writing. I love writing. I didn’t really know it until just over a year ago, and even then, I didn’t think I was any good at it. I found this event called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and not being one to pass up a challenge, signed up. For those of you who don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it’s a challenge to write 50,000 words in a month. The month of November to be exact. That was the start of my writing. From there, it expanded. I hit the 50,000 words and surpassed it easily, giving myself “winner” status. Would you believe it, in the past 11 months, I’ve written two (non-related) books, both much longer than I had ever dreamed? English, which used to be my least favorite subject, became my favorite (mainly because after talking to my mom, my books count for A LOT of English credit). With November coming up, I’m getting ready to write the second book in my series. It is seriously turning into the highlight of my year.

Last but not least, and not really a hobby, I teach at a local club (think boy scouts/girl scouts/youth group). Along with a couple of adults and another teen, we teach one of the classes, about twenty-five sixth graders. I lovingly refer to them as MY sixth graders. They drive me up a wall sometimes, but I love them all the same. It definitely helped me make up my mind about becoming a teacher as a profession; I know I couldn’t deal with their shenanigans all the time. I helped with their class last year (MY fifth graders, then), and taught them a bunch of things, and directed them when we were upfront in my church. Can you say, nerve-wracking? I don’t know what’s all in store for this year, but I’m looking forward to it.

So yeah, that’s me, in a somewhat nut shell. Okay, not really. There’s a lot more, but I don’t want to bore you on the first post. And it’s a lot longer than I had originally hoped... Oh, well. ^_^


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